Gift Idea 2- Garden Statuary, Chimes & Yard Art

Gift Guide Day 2- Garden Statuary
Holiday Gift Guide Day 2- Garden Statuary & Yard ArtAfter all.... who couldn't use some fun stuff in the garden?

Because being outdoors promotes sanity and relieves life's chaos, you can actually give some peace of mind and aesthetics wrapped up one cool gift... that lasts!

Liven up the space with unique statuary or garden accents, even a pretty wind chime will have a calming effect on the mind and soul.Glass Rainbow Wind Chime

Listen to sound clips of finely tuned chimes from Music of the Spheres and Woodstock Chimes- their tuning is guaranteed for life!

A family of Teak Puddle Ducks in their vibrant rain gear bring smiles and sunshine to the garden, they're handcrafted in Indonesia with attitude plus!

A Rockin' Rooster or goat, or chickens or pigs may well be in order for the urban homestead, while a hanging Hummingbird Set lets them keep the sprites year-round (available in red also).

Duck Family StatuaryHanging Hummingbird Sculpture

For the more enlightened on your list, the Buddha or Namaste-theme might be more appropriate? Give some Zen style with unique stone sculpture- they're equally suited for garden or indoor decor. It's always nice to have the option.
Namaste Frog Sculpture  Buddha Face Garden Sculpture

Should you doubt getting them hooked on birds just isn't possible... any of the above gift suggestions from our statuary and sculpture are sure to bring some big smiles and lasting joy!