In a birder's world, there's not a whole lot that compares to watching the nest process, fledge and journey for a new family of bluebirds.
Because they actually have 2-3 clutches per season, older siblings will offer their services to help mom & dad raise the youngin

At first, folks may be hesitant to monitor a bluebird house for fear of scaring the birds off. But it's not the case! So long as one learns the habits of their blues, avoids nest checks at dawn or dusk, and most importantly to steer clear a few days prior to fledge time, the birds really don't mind much. Oh yeah... knock first, always knock first!

For this reason, a bluebird house with front- or side door opening is preferred because they're easy to monitor.
One exception might be the Gilbertson Nest Box which is also very easy to monitor. Also NABS approved, though unlike a traditional bluebird house, it operates in a different fashion.
Another great option is vinyl because it's mold and bacteria resistant, and unlike wood, PVC/Vinyl material lasts a lifetime. This front-door bluebird abode features a copper roof and other amenities blues will surely dig!

Notice both house have predator guards at the entry, this helps keeps thieving paws out as eggs are a tasty treat to most furry ones :(
One important note: Should your blue bird house gift be for someone in the Eastern part of the country, opt for an Eastern Bluebird House. On the flip side, should the recipient reside in the western part of the county, be sure to give a Mountain/Western Bluebird House. The differences are the entry size which is only about 1/8th-inch difference and the floor size... but this is important stuff to a bluebird!
Want to make the gift a little nicer still? Add to it this popular bluebird book about attracting and hosting the birds. Full of wonderful images and great advice, these wares will bring big smiles to a bird watcher... from novice to expert and for many more seasons to come!