Be Wise and Shop Now for Holiday Birdhouses

2020 Holiday: Bird Baths, Feeders and Birdhouses are Flying off the Shelves!

Aside from a nature gift that rocks... be sure it gets there on time!
Supply chains and shipping are already impacted by Covid...  this holiday season we're begging you to shop early. Because we're a birdhouse boutique with many handmade birdhouses and limited quantity items, coupled with more folks staying put and shopping online, there's potential for both back-orders and shipping delays.
Be wise, shop now and stress less... wrap up holiday gifting to enjoy more of the holiday season!

Be Wise Shop Now for Holiday

Moving water is the easiest way to entice more birds. Birdbaths are presents of presence for real lasting joy. A few bird bath fountain gift ideas ready for quick-ship:

Splash Pool Bubbling Bird Bath

Splash Pool Bubbler Bird Bath: On the deck, patio or in the garden, electric bubbling fountain offers hosts soothing sounds for a relaxing vibe.

Lily Pad Cascading Fountain

Lily Pad Cascading Fountain: Hummingbirds adore the gentle flow of moving water, check the video!

Find Handmade Bird Baths in deck-mounted and hanging styles too!
Pottery Deck-Mounted Bird Bath

Solar Hanging BirdBaths

New Bird Feeder Gift Ideas: In stock, ships immediately!

Moasic Glass Apple Bird Feeder

Hot Air Balloon Hanging Bird Feeder

Humm-Viewer Hummingbird Feeder Mask
This interactive hummingbird feeder was around way before covid!

Copper-Vinyl Post Mount Bird feeder
Birdhouse or Bird Feeder? Consider the recipient first! Although feeders will see much more activity, they must be maintained. This entails not only filling, but periodic cleaning too. Should feeders sit too long with old seed turning moldy... no birds will visit. When maintained with fresh seed, you can bet daily visitors will bring joy, wonder, relaxation and entertainment!

A few new birdhouses... they make for long-lasting gifts the birds will dig too!
How cute are these new styles?

Ceramic Camper Birdhouse

Birdhouse-Bird Feeder Gift Set

Rae Dunn Ceramic Home Birdhouse

Barn Wood & Tin White Church Birdhouse

Holiday and Yard Decor:

Garden Goddess Stepping Stone/Plaque

Rocking Cardinal Garden Balancer

Holiday Gnomes wuth LED Noses

Driftwood Sea Glass Wind Chime

The best birdhouse gifts for holiday start right here,
For all those on your list may they be far or near.

Last spring folks dabbled in backyard birding, garden and yard,
It became addictive- but ya can’t decide? Opt for a gift card!

Fab birdhouses and feeders mostly handmade,
Recycled or poly won’t crack, chip or fade.

Birdbaths in all styles, curated yard art so fun,
With covid concerns at stores maybe best not to run?

Find a whimsical, vintage, mod, rustic birdhouse and more,
Farmhouse & chic’s popular, gifts to make spirits soar.

Give presents of presence but please order soon,
Should you want it for holiday and not in June!