4 products

  • Detourant Ant Moat for Hummingbird Feeders

    Clever moat, clever name... Detour - Ant The Detourant works differently by slowing or even eliminating evaporation. Wind causing spillage, and generally dry, hot days of...

    Regular price $14.95 USD
    Sale price $14.95 USD Regular price
  • Nectar Protector Jr. Ant Moat

    Ant Moats are the perfect solution to keep pesky ants from invading hummingbird feeders. The Nectar Protector Jr. actually holds twice the amount of water than...

    Regular price $8.50 USD
    Sale price $8.50 USD Regular price
  • Wooden Anti-Ant Moat

    Sleek wooden ant moat requires no water! The perfect solution to keep pesky ants from invading hummingbird feeders, ant moats are ideal for oriole feeders or...

    Regular price $16.00 USD
    Sale price $16.00 USD Regular price
  • Sold out

    Parasol Ant Moat in Red or Black

    Quality Ant Moat by Parasol Ant Moats are the perfect solution to keep pesky ants from invading hummingbird feeders. Simply fill the ant moat with water,...

    Regular price $14.50 USD
    Sale price $14.50 USD Regular price

Collection: Ant Moats

Ant Moats

Use ant moats for hummingbird and oriole feeders too, stop ants without chemicals... once and for all!
Water filled moats protect sugary nectar and fruit from pesky ants because they can't swim. Simply keep your moat filled with water to work properly.

Newer designs slow evaporation, while a dab of petroleum jelly at the base works well for staked hummingbird feeders. A small but wise investment for many years of use and happy hummingbirds, find Parasol ant moats and the innovative Detourant moat to protect your feeders from ants.

Make your hummingbird feeding experience a hassle-free one with the use of ant moats. Water in the moat prevents ants from crossing...because they can't swim!

Pretty Parasol ant moats and ant baffles for staked hummingbird feeders are high quality, powder coat metal that will last for years of use and enjoyment with your nectar feeders. In summer heat, a drop of salad oil may be added to water to slow evaporation. Ant moats won't work properly unless they have water in them.

Ant Baffles may be coated on the under side with olive oil, castor oil, or petroleum jelly to prevent ants' crossing. A relatively inexpensive, one-time purchase of an ant moat will make the difference between a pleasurable feeding experience and a miserable one for you and hummers alike.

To attract more of the "flying jewels" add moving water, such as bird bath fountain or leaf mister. Hummingbirds adore the gentle spray of misters, and will return daily once discovered. Butterflies love them too!

If you love watching hummingbirds, check out this great video produced by Parasol. Just click the forward arrow to view.